- macOS平台,win平台同逻辑
- homebrew
- imageMagick [采用homebrew 安装]
brew install imageMagick
- macTeX[采用homebrew安装]
brew install mactex
- visual studio code 或者 sublime Text编辑器 并配置好
gif 文件的准备
- 采用imagemagick将gif转换成png文件,假设my.gif位于 默认下载目录 ~/Downloads目录下,则执行如下命令,
convert ~/Downloads/my.gif -coalesce ~/Downloads/outputs/latex_demo.png
其中 my.gif替换为你自己的gif名称即可。 - 命令执行完毕后,在downloads目录下的outputs目录下就生成了名字为latex_demo-xx.png 的图片
latex 文件的准备
% !TEX TS-program = xelatex
% !TEX encoding = UTF-8
% This is a simple template for a XeLaTeX document using the "article" class,
% with the fontspec package to easily select fonts.
\documentclass[11pt]{article} % use larger type; default would be 10pt
% 开启下面的设置可以插入中文
\usepackage{xeCJK,fontspec, xunicode, xltxtra}
% 确认一下mainfont是有的,否则要选一种你有的中文字体
\setCJKmainfont{Hiragino Sans GB}
\usepackage{fontspec} % Font selection for XeLaTeX; see fontspec.pdf for documentation
\defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text} % to support TeX conventions like ``---''
\usepackage{xunicode} % Unicode support for LaTeX character names (accents, European chars, etc)
\usepackage{xltxtra} % Extra customizations for XeLaTeX
%\setmainfont{Charis SIL} % set the main body font (\textrm), assumes Charis SIL is installed
%\setsansfont{Deja Vu Sans}
%\setmonofont{Deja Vu Mono}
% other LaTeX packages.....
\usepackage{geometry} % See geometry.pdf to learn the layout options. There are lots.
\geometry{a4paper} % or letterpaper (US) or a5paper or....
%\usepackage[parfill]{parskip} % Activate to begin paragraphs with an empty line rather than an indent
% support the \includegraphics command and options
% PDF中插入GIF可以使用包 animate,前提是必须要先包含宏包 graphicx
%\date{} % Activate to display a given date or no date (if empty),
% otherwise the current date is printed
% 此处的yourUserName要更换你自己的用户名,最后的两个数字编号代表了你想做成gif的起始png文件最后的索引数字